Custom Clothing Company

Schools that impose uniforms should consider the type of clothing students are willing to wear in the current era. One of the reasons why many students don’t follow school dress code is that uniforms are often very old fashioned and don’t really blend well with the seasons. As a result, students get reprimanded for not following school rules or for trying to express their own style and personality by altering the way their uniform looks—from wearing different shoes to shorter skirts and long socks to cut sleeves and all sorts of accessories—which probably sends them to detention.

When more and more of your students are ending up in detention because of the school uniform offence, it may be high time to rethink its design. Consider the rising number of short-skirts and rolled up sleeves as a wake-up call to redo your school uniform’s design. If students love what they have to wear every day, they won’t feel the need to modify it, just to make themselves stand out. Their love of their uniform will even increase school spirit and you won’t have to send them to detention for something as silly as a button pin on their shirt.

You can start changing your school uniform by considering clothing that is more comfortable than long-sleeved polos and old fashioned blazers. To match the active lifestyle of children, modern schools make do with T-shirts and polo shirts, which are more comfortable to wear and are excellent canvasses to reflect school identity, from colours to logos, and monograms. Of the two, polo shirts are often a better choice because they are generally more durable and can hold embroidery better.

Choose a custom shirt company that can satisfy all your design requests and specifications and even provide you with good design tips and advice as you redesign your old fashioned school uniform.

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