Custom Clothing Company

Traditionally a coverall for athletes during competition, tracksuits are now widely used as fashion statements and as everyday training and exercise wear by many active people. No longer are these warm and comfy coveralls exclusive to football players, soccer teams, swimmers, wrestlers, gymnasts, and athletes in competition as more and more people adopt the style for both its comfortable and fashionable value.

With the advent of stylish designer tracksuits, people, particularly the youngsters, are embracing tracksuits as a fashion statement. One of the main things that make tracksuits so appealing to the masses is that it can easily be adjusted to fit any body type. Tracksuits are so versatile that they can be worn by both men and women, regardless whether you are tall or short, and lean or stout. The tracksuit is also the clothing that can be so easily thrown on, which makes it a very practical for all kinds of people.

Tracksuits often come in two pieces—the jacket and the pants. Tracksuit jackets traditionally have long sleeves and full length zippers that go all the way down the front. Custom styles on the other hand, would either have a pull-over style or a half-zipper, while others sport shorter sleeves. Tracksuit pants are full-length pants that touch the floor. They can be hemmed to fit shorter buyers and most come with elastic waistbands or drawstrings for adjusting the waistline. Tracksuit pants for the warmer weathers have shorter (Capri) lengths to keep the legs cool.

When custom designing your own tracksuit, make sure that you keep the size comfortable, without making the entire suit oversized. Oftentimes, it is easier to find a well-fitting tracksuit for men than finding one for the lady form. Ladies’ tracksuits are designed to be a bit snugger, although not too tight, to keep free movement.

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