Custom Clothing Company

Archive for January, 2018

Look Slimmer Just by Wearing the Right Custom Polo Shirt

Polo shirts have a pretty standard fit. However, custom designing can and does affect cut and fit, especially when it comes to performance shirts, which are designed to create a wider range of motion and activity. With the right fit, polo shirts can make you look slim and polished, which is why it is important to choose the right design when ordering custom shirts. Below are things you should remember when wearing custom shirts to fit:

  • Polo shirts should ideally be worn to fit. They should be slim, but never tight fitting. The correct sleeve fit should reach about halfway between your elbow and shoulder. Try sliding a finger between your arm and your sleeve. If you can do this with ease, you are pretty much on the right track. An unbuttoned neckline should reach just around the chest area.
  • Like a dress shirt, a club shirt’s shoulder seam should properly sit on your shoulder bone. While sleeve length varies, the ideal size is halfway to about two thirds of the way of the biceps. Shorter sleeves are ideal if you want a vintage look. A longer sleeve is a good choice if you want to look trendy.
  • Proper shirt length also depends on your use. Traditional club shirt styles have longer backs. This makes them look better when tucked in. Ideally, the back of your polo shirt should not exceed halfway down your buttocks, while the front should reach up to halfway your fly when tucked.
  • Choose the proper shirt size to ensure fit. Consult the sizing table of your shirt supplier to learn how their sizing system works. Different brands and suppliers use slightly varying sizing charts, so make sure you are looking at the right sizing formula and/or sizing chart when trying to order for a group.

How to Order Custom Made T Shirts for Women

Polo shirts have jumped from male closets to women’s wardrobes. They are among the most versatile pieces of clothing that can be worn by all—men or women, young or old—and in most situations, from country club functions to casual Fridays at work. These shirts are known for their adaptability as well as their stylish appeal. Having polo shirts custom designed is easier now more than ever, thanks to companies and suppliers that make their custom services available online, here are tips you can follow when trying to source custom made shirts for women through reliable suppliers:

  • Decide on a design that best suits your requirement. This way, it will be easier to find a supplier that can execute your design well. Choose a company that knows how to produce similar types of designs. The best suppliers have special programs you can use to try out different combinations of styles, colours, and designs to help you create the perfect custom shirt for your group.
  • Learn about different types of custom shirt materials. Cotton is a popular material for custom t-shirts, but there are many other types of shirt materials you can choose from to ensure comfort, depending on the nature of your custom-shirt’s intended use. Performance shirts, such as those used in sports apparel require less absorbent materials or those that wick away moisture fast. Some ideal materials for these types of shirts include nylon and polyester, which make shirts sweat resistant and helps keep the skin dry and cool. Silk, on the other hand, is ideal for more formal use, because of its smooth and shiny texture and luxurious appearance.
  • Finally, consider proper sizing and fit. Certain cuts and styles of shirt fit differently. Consider these things when making your purchase, especially when ordering for multiple team members or for a large group.

Get Creative with Your Custom Uniforms

One of the ways to make your organisation or team stand out and become more memorable is by making its members wear custom uniforms. The right design and high-quality fabrics will surely make your group look and feel great, and they might find themselves proud of wearing what you give them, too. Here are some creative ideas that can help you design custom uniforms:

  • Use your group’s colours – When designing any uniform, make sure to pick a colour or colours that best represent your company or team. Ideally, you can take cues from the company logo, brand, or the mascot. The key is to make the uniforms represent your group, so they can be effective in your branding strategy, too. Moreover, you need to make sure that the colours are different from that of the competition.
  • No need to go for stiff uniforms – Custom polo shirts and high-quality T-shirts can be comfortable and less intimidating to wear. They can make your group look more approachable and down-to-earth, too, so more customers or fans will not hesitate to speak with them about your business or group. In a corporate setting, polo uniforms can be worn during special events and casual Fridays. For schools, the shirts and polos can be comfortable and cooler alternatives to common stiff and unbreathable fabrics used in students’ uniforms.
  • Pick the right fabric – Cool Dri sports plus fabric is ideal for athletic teams and for sporting events. Poly cotton pique knit may be considered if you are looking for a hard-wearing fabric, and Air Cool if you want vibrant colours on polo shirts, school uniforms, and event marketing goods.
  • Add details that will represent your group – Apart from choosing the right colours, consider adding certain details that will make the custom uniforms more unique for your organisation or team. A logo or a writing can be placed via screen printing, heat transfer, or embroidery, or you can select polo shirts with or without panels and pockets.

Enjoy the Pleasure of Designing Your Own Polo T-Shirt

Polo shirts are versatile tops that can be worn on corporate casual days and as uniforms in the office or in school. They are great as sports uniforms, too, particularly to golf and tennis players. Part of their versatility is their ability to be designed in any way you want. With the right colours, logo or writing, and details like cuffs, pockets, and panels, you can make them look sporty chic or smart casual for any purpose. Designing your own polo T-shirt can be a fun process, especially if you are ordering it from a seasoned supplier that carries a wide array of fabrics. A good custom shirt supplier can use different methods to customise your polo T-shirts, too.

When designing a polo shirt, you will want to start considering the people who will wear it. That way, you can determine the right fabric to use. Most polo shirts are made of cotton, but there are cost-effective poly cotton blends and poly cotton pique knit, which is known for its hard-wearing quality. Microfiber can be an alternative if you want a comfortable and vibrant custom polo T-shirt for your organisation or event marketing purposes. That way, the garments can do their part in making your team stand out. Some polo shirt suppliers can provide free samples of the fabrics they carry, so you can make an informed decision.

Once you have decided on the fabric, you can start customising the style of polo T-shirt. Pick colours that represent your organisation or the event, add panels, cuffs, and pockets as you please, and consider adding a writing or logo. Suppliers can apply any image or text using screen printing, embroidery, or heat transfer, and it can be placed on the right or left chest, or both, as well as on the sleeves and the back of the polo T-shirt.

Do You Need Help to Make Your Own Tee Shirt Online?

Whether designing shirts for charity events, an organization, or a sports team, knowing how to make the perfect shirt design for your cause is important so the garment you are creating will be effective in promoting your advocacy, making your staff look more professional, or raising your team’s spirit. Custom shirts can leave a lasting impact, not only on the wearer but also on people who get to see your group united by what you are wearing. Thanks to technology, it is now easy to create winning shirt designs online, with the help of supplier websites that feature special programs that make online shirt designing quick and simple to do. If you need useful tips on designing custom shirts online, read on:

  • Your colour choices matter when it comes to designing custom shirts for groups and organisations. While white has a universal feel and can make wearers look more polished, it is a colour that doesn’t stand out much in a crowd. When company or team promotion is a major motivation behind your custom uniform, consider other more noticeable colours, preferably ones that are relevant and can represent your organisation or brand well. Weather is also an important thing to consider when choosing team shirt colours, especially during warmer seasons, when dark colours that absorb heat are not advisable.
  • Simplicity is also key to creating an effective custom shirt. Although customisation gives you all the freedom to go crazy with your design, there are certain things you should remember, especially when designing for an official cause. Keeping your shirt design simple and sleek will make your team uniform look more professional and polished, whereas a design that’s too busy can make it cheap and unattractive.
  • Finally, use a logo or graphic that will resonate with your audience. Make them in a colour that is a good contrast to the rest of the shirt so that your message will be seen more clearly.